Graphic design, food styling, photography

The brand Kaija, owned by the company Karavela Ltd, at the moment is one of the leading fish processing companies and canned fish producers in the industry, with export to 26 countries in the world, including Western Europe, Scandinavia, Asia, Russia, USA etc. and increase in net turnover of more than 5 million Euros each year. In very exciting cooperation during the year we have worked out and created new packaging design and visual appearance of the product to approximately 90 product units. The brand got a fresh and modern design, with rich colors and tasty product photography. 

Emblem designs for individual product lines

Product catalog

Herring experts is a motto for brand Kaija in Latvian fish culinary market. For this purpose there was created particularly new product line, and we have composed packaging design and created style for the rest advertising graphics for these products

Design for KAIJA sales agents – Herring experts’ cars for more attractive visits with clients
Other projects for this client
Promotion photography for tinned tuna Promotion photography for tinned tuna
Rebranding Rebranding
Packaging design for Kipper snacks Packaging design for Kipper snacks
Advertising for magazine Advertising for magazine
Photography for package design Photography for package design
Photography for recipes Photography for recipes
Packaging design Packaging design
Photography for package design Photography for package design
Package design for fish cookery Package design for fish cookery
Photography for package design Photography for package design
Packaging design Packaging design
Design for tuna line packaging Design for tuna line packaging
Packaging design for fish cookery Packaging design for fish cookery
Package design for canned fish line Package design for canned fish line
Design for salmon salad packaging Design for salmon salad packaging
Packaging design for salmon salad Packaging design for salmon salad