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Packaging is a significantly important marketing toolPackaging is one that tells story, gives promises and gains trust. It presents and promotes, informs and instructs, by structuring graphic communication ... and passing the message of a brand together with a product directly in the hands of a consumer
Influence of the choicesWays how the design can promote the choice of the customer – attract bigger attention to the shelf, communicate a confidence that this product is better ... than others, and interpret clearly understandable necessary information, to influence the senses, gathering the consumers into communes
Packaging gives an idea of the brandMany of global corporations change the term “packaging design” to “design of a brand identity”. Excellent packaging transforms into brand partisans
Effectively than advertisement75% of decisions are made right next to the product shelf. 100% of consumers see the packaging and mutually interact with it. Researches reports that ... customer much more remembers packaging than advertisements or promotions
Appearance is relevant!Aesthetics often is the only way in the “crowded” market, in order to achieve that the product excels. The attention catching graphics of the packaging ... makes the product desirable, marketable and memorable. Consumers like attractive and interesting packaging designs, if they addresses, a passer becomes a regular buyer.
1, 2, 3Hundreds of researches says that consumer first of all refers to a color of the packaging, afterwards to a shape and construction and finally to a brand ... style. It proves that the most determinative components are those related with a design
Design is a power that helps to lure emotionsThe buyer makes his choice in the very first 3-7seconds while reading the names and viewing the packages of the products. The attention of such moments is ... possible to gain by “appealing” to the feelings, values and emotions. More and more the choice of a consumer defines the way the product makes him feel